Saturday, March 14, 2015

Custom Toilet Handle Flusher

I is smart. 

Intervention: The Drop Off

Beware. Notice Stonestreet's signature style. Typically Stonestreet starts with the eyes. The act of drawing the eyes first represents his own personal awareness of the world around him. Constantly paying attention to every detail at precise accuracy. Sounds like this guy is Rain Man or somethin'.  
Jenkins family. 
Lee Puffer and Ingram Ober dropped there work off. Along with a few others I didn't get photos of yet. 

Galleries Gone So let's build a Stage

He looks like the sadest boy sitting in a gallery. 
The glass is completely empty. Ponder that. 
We used to have a canvas wall at the gallery. Not anymore. Instead it is now a stage. 
Ship In The Woods Nightclub...
Reading Wichita 

Sunday, September 28, 2014

San Diego! Ship In The Woods. New Place. New Art.


Hanging on the roof @ SITW with RJ and Yuerri.



New Sandwich Boards 4 SITW.

Im really pumped about how well they turned out. Took me about 2hrs to make these. All the materials except the hinges were salvaged on site @ SITW. 

Fisheye Gallery