Sunday, August 24, 2014

KC ---> Chi Town

Left KC last night with Alex Fox. 

Kum and Go. 

Went straight to the continental when we got here. 

Division st. 

Leaving my mark. 

Badass army bags. 

Leghorn. So good. 

Friday, August 22, 2014

Two Days Before New York

Got a fresh setup. 

Skated Penn. Hung out with the LX crew. Met some rappers. 

Meet Mark and Dom. 

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Flasks, Kickball, and Packing

I started carving into some flasks with my etching tools. I bought 5 or 6 flasks at the Antique Mall in Lawrence, KS. 

We had our final kickball game this past Sunday. We won our first game. List in the final minutes of the second game. We still had fun. Our team played great. I had a sweet backwards sliding catch in the outfield. 

Free beer for helping Mary move. 

Last drive for kickball. 

Packing is nearing completion. 

I'm piling things I'm not taking in the basement. 

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Packing on a Saturday Night

Here's some unfinished work that I won't be able to take with me. 

These four are done in oil. The top left has some collages arrows from my Great Aunt Marian who passed away. They were old travel maps from her house. The collages arrows beg the question of where is my journey going? Where have I been? Where has she been? Re-appropriating her belongings into my own work. Her spirit is still alive in this painting. I also collaged some newspaper I got from when I visited Chicago back in 2010. We went to a punk show called Riot Fest. 

I'm taking this one apart and it's coming with me to San Diego. 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Free Paint

I just got all this acrylic Super Heavy Body Liquitex paint for frizzle. Thanks boss. It is no longer made. It's old but still great. 

33 8oz jars. 

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

OP skate sesh

Went to OP last night. Had a great skate sesh with te LX crew. 

Aaron Cannon

Jon Craig

OP Skatepark

Sam let me where his bucket hat from Columbia. 

Monday, August 11, 2014

Treasure Trunk

So I bought a tripod yesterday along with another Go Pro battery and tripod mount for it. Game changer. 

I just test fit my trunk in my car. It fits. 

Still enough room to out more stuff in there. 

Fixing this guy up. 

The skeleton is in good shape. I repaired the hinge on the inside for the trunk lid. I used some skate bolts and nuts to fix that. 

I'm thinking about changing out the handles for beefier ones. This thing is going to get heavy. 

Sunday, August 10, 2014

WW1 Memorial Museum Haircut

Another artsy thing I did today was with Tahki Bannister. He is my friend and personal Barber. Follow him on IG: @mycutstravel. We decided to shave my head at the WW1 Museum. We gave the people walking around a great show and we even got the crowd involved and they did a bit of filming for us. Go Pros are great things. Out video of the whole process will drop later. 

First off it was a fantastic day with a great view of KC. 


Tahki Bannister

Friday, August 8, 2014

Packing for San Diego

Tonight's episode of Addison packing for San Diego includes sorting large sheets of paper. Packaging them nicely and figuring out what I want to take. 

So many sheets of paper.

A couple of drawing boards. Lots of 22x30 paper. All sealed and ready to go. 

Packaged up nicely. That thing is full.