Thursday, January 30, 2014

Sock Monster

This new project is about using recycled materials. While sticking with the theme of using fabric and thread. It also helps with a bit of spring cleaning so to speak.    


I stuffed the socks using scraps of fabric I wasn't using.

I made an armature out of a lamp shade and old metal cloths hangers.

I collected all the unused socks that I could find.

I dyed some of them different colors.

I then spray glued excess fabric unto the armature to give me something to sew onto.

 Each sock is then hand sewn onto the armature. Creating a waterfall effect with the socks.

Slowly building the form.

This guy is going to be big.

It has a mouth now.

At this point I have eyes and mouth in the right position. This way I can continue the layering process.

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