Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Collaborative Show @ Moundview a.k.a John Martin's House

We had a show on July 28th that we curated ourselves at a friends house. Thank you John Martin for that. We had about 6-10 artist submit work and it was a great show. We had live poetry and all the walls lined with artwork. Sorry for some blurry photos. I dont know what happened. I wasnt always the one taking the shots of the show. Other than that enjoy.


Left: Andrew Jilka / Right: N/A

Left: Ashley Warner / Center: Me / Right: Nathan

Far Left: N/A / Left Center: Andrew Jilka / Center: N/A / Left Center: Whitney Matalone / Far Right: Giselle Ghadyani.

Left Wall: Caitlyn Bubna / Center: Me / Right wall: Me

Portraits by Giselle Ghadyani.

Caitlyn Bubna.

Vance Carlson & Chris Moll.

Vance Carlson.

Chris Moll's photographs.

Chris Moll.

Inside of the house. Created by yours truely.

Outside of Johns house.

Hey it's Chris Moll using the 3D glasses that go with my Octopus piece.

Of course I have to rock my own stuff on here. Stonestreet original right there.

Caitlyn Bubna's screen printed triptych.

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